Turning 50

Layered green birthday cake witha cake toping that says 50

So, suddenly, without me realising it, I turned 50.

Where did the time go?

When I passed 30 or 40, it felt like I'd crossed a milestone. But physically, I didn't feel a great change. But for this 50th milestone, I could feel that my body is not what it used to be. Firstly, it's the difficulty to lose the extra weight gained from Chinese New Year bingeing. Usually, I am the garbage disposer at home. Each CNY, when I return home for vacation, I would devour the Christmas and CNY goodies - Christmas chocolate chip cookies, bak kwa, pineapple tarts, etc. - gain 2 extra kilos and lose those 2 kilos when I go back to my normal routine/life after vacation.

On top of that, my skin has started looking old and tired. I have neglected taking care of my skin especially in the pandemic since I can hide under a face mask when I need to go outside. I have skipped sunscreen for a while has aged my skin a lot. Open pores, age spots, and under eye circle are my main concerns. If you know of a miracle cream that can tackle these problems, I am willing to pay $$ for it.

It seems IG knew about this and has been sending me all these ads in my timeline for different skincare products targeting my different concerns. I resisted clicking on them initially but gave in eventually. And I guess I opened Pandora's box as more and more ads started appearing in my TL. I'm embarrassed to say I gave in to the hard sell and bought a few of the products. I also consulted my dermatologists from YouTube and did more research and bought some more products. Have been testing some of these and will review them soon.
