Doongji Restaurant Again & Again

CLose-up of a bowl of Korean spicy beef soup with a trio of side dishes in the background Close-up of a glass of avocado coffee

I'm back at Doongji. It has become my go-to for comfort food when I need some comforting. I think more and more, I gravitate towards Korean food. The best part is kimchi, which I love, is good for health. This post is for two different visits. For the first, on 7 November, I got the Spicy Beef Soup set ($9.90, with rice and side dishes) as I wanted to try something different. While placing my order online (yup, now most places make you scan a QR code for their menu and order, and maybe pay, online), I came across their ad for their new beverage - avocado coffee. I love the avocado milk shake with gula melaka way back when avocados weren't even an IT thing, but have never tried it with coffee. The younger sis has tried it before and we were going to get it at a Vietnamese restaurant at 313 Orchard but bailed due to the bad service at the door. Anyway, back to Doongji, I ordered the drink to give it a try. At $7.90, it was a little expensive, but I was willing to chance it that it might be good.

The $7.90 for the Avocado Coffee was so worth it. It was really creamy and made with real avocado. The coffee was strong and blended well with the avocado milkshake. The spicy beef was great too. It's very much like the pork kimchi soup I had previously. The main difference is instead of 6 small dishes of banchan (side dishes), you get 3. Still free-flow though. The banchan options this time were not to my taste, so I only got them to refill the kimchi.

For the second visit today, I came back because I wanted to get the avocado coffee again. I quit my daily coffee drinking in July, and this was the first time when I was really craving a good cuppa. And the cup that I had last week was really good so it was a no-brainer to come back. I added the Pork Kimchi Soup as I wanted something soupy, because of comfort food. The banchan selection today is different from the previous visit. It has the three that I like - the wakame, the kimchi, and the potato salad. Of course I had seconds, thirds, and so on. The kimchi soup is just as good as the last time. Yummz.

Some people have complained on Google Maps that the service was slow or non-existent, but I thought it was okay. The food came quite quickly, and they were prompt in refilling my banchan. Even when the restaurant was full, and they seemed to be short-staffed. Happy to say that I don't feel that their standard, food or service-wise, has dropped. I give them 4 Aunty Karens, like in my previous reviews. I will definitely be back. Hopefully will try some other set lunch rather than the soup-y ones.

4 out of 5 stars on the Aunty Karen scale

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