Black Fairy Coffee & Grill

🎉 Happy New Year! 🎊

The first walk of the year, we took a walk down memory lane. First, hitting Guillemard Road, where the younger sis had gone to school. Then we passed the National Stadium reminiscing about sports days and concerts held there. Then, it was on to Jalan Besar, where I had worked for 4 years many aeons ago. Finally, we made a pit stop at Black Fairy Coffee & Grill for lunch.

2 cups of ice coffee

I had chosen this cafe because I saw that on their online menu that they serve avocado coffee shakes. I wanted to try it. Even since I tried it in Doongji Restaurant, I have been looking around for places that serve it. I managed to find a Japanese stall at Kinex which serves a pretty good and much cheaper cup.

Anyway, back to Black Fairy. It was with great disappointment that as we scrolled through the menu, we found out that Avocado Coffee Frappe was off their menu. Sigh. Too bad 😞

We ordered the Crispy Bacon Eggs Benedict ($17) and Grilled Ika Squid. For drinks, I got the Ice Flat White ($6) and sis got the Ice Latte ($6).

Close-up of a plate of Crispy Bacon Eggs Benedict Close-up of a plate of Grilled Ika Squid

The eggs ben were good. Who doesn't like crispy bacon? The Grilled Ika was surprisingly good. The chilli sauce that went with it, to be exact. It was a good mixture of spicy and acidic. It added so much flavour to the grilled squid. This cafe has such an eclectic mix of food on the menu. I don't really know how eggs ben is on the same menu as grilled squid but it doesn't matter. The food tastes good.

Overall, I give this place 4 Aunty Karens. The food was good and the service was efficient. If I am in the area, I may come back. If they put the Avocado Coffee Frappe back on the menu, I will come definitely come back.

4 out of 5 stars on the Aunty Karen scale
